Wednesday 24 September 2008

Dvd's worth checking out

I know the blog has been football heavy, but hey who doesn't love some football, plus the niners are winning and we all know that might not ok so I wanted to touch on some upcoming dvds because I think everyone should check these out, all 2 or 3 of  who you might read this blog. with the holidays coming up soon and coming off that huge summer which featured many blockbusters, the dvds will start coming out fast and furious before december 25th. so dig and if you have yet to see these yet, i suggest you go out to your local blockbuster or hollywood video and rent these bad boys. or if your using netflix add them to your queue. 

Sepetmeber 30 -

Iron Man  - this movie blew me away, good flick. Downey Jr was the perfect fit and Favreau did a great job and making this a fun and interesting comic book movie. Looks like it could be worth owning the 2 disc set for a good price, it will have a lot of features.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall - A sort of personal favorite of 2008 for me. I was going through a break-up after almost 4 years of being with the same girl, so I could just totally relate to the movie. But I think it stands well on its own and is hilarious. It also features a great cast and is Apatow-influenced. There is a 1,2, or 3 disc edition! wow! i already pre-ordered the 3 disc one since it was pretty cheap. I am looking forward to all the usual great extras that comedy films usually throw in. I would recommened you get at least the 2 disc.

October 7th-

How I Met Your Mother: Season 3 - This is one of the best shows on tv as far as comedies. It rivals the Friends run. If you haven't seen it I think its time to start, laughing will ensue. I missed a lot of this season so catching up will be the name of the game for me, plus no commericals....awe...wait for it....some!

You Don't Mess With The Zohan - It was an okay movie, pretty funny. I dont think I would watch it again but its worth a rental for sure.

October 14th-

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of the Crystal Skull - Indys back and in dvd form! I think I will just ask for this movie and try to aviod actually paying for it. The movie was fun but it just didn't fully feel like the other movies, I guess that could be asking a lot? Anyway I am hoping the 2 disc edition will show spielberg and lucas pickering so we know who really is to blame, I blame Lucas anyway.

Chaplin-  I thought this was already out on dvd, I have been wanting to see it again for a long time. I guess with Downeys return to the hollywood elite made this movie get a new dvd release. He also was nominated for best actor but lost for his role as Charile Chaplin. 

October 21st

The Incredible Hulk- Ever since it was released Edward Norton and director Louis Leterrier have been upset with the scaled down version of the movie they filmed. I am waiting to see the extended cut that they thought was better. The movie is pretty good, nothing ground breaking and coming out between Iron Man and Dark Knight made it some what forgettable, but I am sort of waiting to see the movie  version that could be better. The 2 disc is a must.

The Strangers - I really dug this movie about two people who are being stalked and terroized by some random serial killers. The movie is creepy as hell and a sort of return to the older ways of horror movies. I think the movie will gain an even more cult following on dvd. The dvd doesn't have that many extras but its ok. The movie stands on its own.

October 28th - Nothing of Note at this time.

November 4th-

Reaper Season 1 - A show that reminds me of the good days of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It has that wit to it (Kevin Smith helps out on the show) and is interesting. It is about a kid whos parents sold his sould to the devil, and the devil now uses him as his pawn to pick up souls who need to get sent back to hell. And the guy is just some college kid who works a home depot like store. Worth checking out, I liked it but lost it amid the writers strike and its time shifting. 

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy - Wow it took Lucas a long time to make this one. You could before only buy the movies seperate but now you can get all three prequels packed together. So when you buy it make sure to throw away the first one. It never amazes me how Lucas will get all the money he can out his audience, which my count is diminshing of late.

Novemeber 9th-

Kung-Fu Panda - I guess its so special it gets its own release date? I never saw Kung-Fu Panda but have heard great things and I am dying to see it. Why? Well because Jack Black plays a panda who kicks some ass! Thats gotta make it worth a rental right there. 

November 18th-

Wall E - I am pretty stoked to see Wall E again, I think disney and pixar hit gold with this movie. Wall E is cute as hell and the movie is just plain awesome. Good story and amazing visuals. I hope I have a BluRay player when this comes out because I am not sure if regular dvd can do it justice. This is a must see movie from kids to 8 to 80 yrs old. Another personal favorite of the year, and the dvd will be jammed pack with great extras. 

November 25th -

Hancock - I mostly put this up here because I want to see it bad and missed its run in the theatres. I have heard varying thoughts on the movie, some say its good and some say its bad, I guess I will finally be able to judge for myself on nov 25th.

Fred Clause - Ok, didnt this movie come out like a year and a half ago? It seems like they just took forever to release it, i guess I can see why they wanted to wait until the holidays but come on, will people even remember this movie by November 25th?

December 2nd-

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - I dug the first one as a kids LOTR, I never saw this one but I think dvd will be worth peeping. Not much to say about it just something that I think will be fun.

Step Brothers - Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly must have a commentary on this? If so it will be worth the price of the dvd right there! But this was a funny movie, I bet the outtakes will be worth renting it alone. 

December 9th -

From here on out things get sort of fuzzy on release dates. It does say that Lost Season 4 is due out this day, that will be worth checking out, the show had an awesome late season run last year and it will be nice to watch all the shows in a row and not waiting like they have been making the viewer due. I cant confirm it yet but I have heard that The Dark Knight will be coming out on the 9th as well. If so that will be a must own dvd for myself. 

Well thats all for now, keep checking back for more!

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