Some of you may have been tuned into my goal of seeing 100 movies this summer. Well as school officially stars today at 1PM for me my goal ends. Yes I did not get to see 100 movies this summer but overall I think I did quite well, seeing 69 movies over the summer was not bad at all. I wanted to break down the movies in some sub-categories for fun. So here we go:
# of movies seen this summer : 69
# of the movies I had never seen before: 48
# of the movies I had seen before: 21
# of the movies seen at the theatre: 20
# of movies seen on dvd: 41
# of those seen on dvd I rented from netflix: 12
# of those seen on dvd I rented from the library: 7
# of movies seen that I watched on demand: 5
# of movies seen I watched entirely on TV: 2
# of movies seen that were in 3D: 1
# of movies receiving an F grade: 0
# of movies receiving a D grade: 1
# of movies receiving a C grade: 13
# of movies receiving a B grade: 36
# of movies receiving an A grade: 19
# of movies watched at my home: 32
# of movies watched at a friends place: 14
# of movies watched in Vegas: 4 (3 on DVD, 1 at theatre)
# of movies watched that were sequels: 6
# of movies that were remakes: 3
..I think I could have watched even more movies but I got tangeled up in watching (and trying to finish) the show Battlestar Galactica on DVD.
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