Tuesday 25 August 2009

Summer of 09 Goal

Some of you may have been tuned into my goal of seeing 100 movies this summer. Well as school officially stars today at 1PM for me my goal ends. Yes I did not get to see 100 movies this summer but overall I think I did quite well, seeing 69 movies over the summer was not bad at all. I wanted to break down the movies in some sub-categories for fun. So here we go:

# of movies seen this summer : 69

# of the movies I had never seen before: 48

# of the movies I had seen before: 21

# of the movies seen at the theatre: 20

# of movies seen on dvd: 41

# of those seen on dvd I rented from netflix: 12

# of those seen on dvd I rented from the library: 7

# of movies seen that I watched on demand: 5

# of movies seen I watched entirely on TV: 2

# of movies seen that were in 3D: 1

# of movies receiving an F grade: 0

# of movies receiving a D grade: 1

# of movies receiving a C grade: 13

# of movies receiving a B grade: 36

# of movies receiving an A grade: 19

# of movies watched at my home: 32

# of movies watched at a friends place: 14

# of movies watched in Vegas: 4 (3 on DVD, 1 at theatre)

# of movies watched that were sequels: 6

# of movies that were remakes: 3

..I think I could have watched even more movies but I got tangeled up in watching (and trying to finish) the show Battlestar Galactica on DVD.

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