This year I did not plan to do try and see a ton of those type of movies but the season did hit me and I tried to watch some movies that would get me into the mood of the month. I was having a great time following two people who did an amazing job of making October really special.
My brother aka Colonel Mortimer wrote a blog on horror movies for every day in October, click HERE to check it out! I also am happy to be a huge fan of James Rolfe (aka the Angry Video Game Nerd) who daily reviewed a horror movie sequel, he calls it Monster Madness. I knew that everyday in October I could wake up and look forward to reading a blog or watching a video, it all made for a fun and educational month of October.
Here is the movies I saw in October that made it a fun month:

Dead Of Night (1974) -- I had this one on my netflix for a while, it was mostly because it was directed by the late Bob Clark (A Christmas Story) and I read about it in a few books. The movie is about a man coming back from war, but he is not the same man. I found it interesting but slow at times. Also found out it is called Deathdream in some places.
Scream 4 (2011) -- I started to wonder why netflix didn't really have a long wait considering I got this movie a day or so after it was released. I now know why....OK the movie is not total garbage but it has many flaws. If you like the other scream films the movie will be right up your ally since it has whoever has lived through the first 3 movies. I really enjoyed the opening credits, you are really never sure what is going on at that point. The rest of the movie is just a rehash of the other 3 movies.

Beetlejuice (1988) -- It is really weird to see Alec Bladwin being so young, he seemed to never take on a role or be in a movie like this one again. I feel the movie is a good comedy and has all the Burton elements he would go on to use in his later films. I wish Michael Keaton could have had more of a starring role, for being the character the movies name after he is only in around 20 minutes of it. Still a great movie to watch to see Burton when he wasn't just doing remakes.
The Howling (1981) -- I put off seeing this one for a while, but urged on because of my brother's blog I finally watched it. Starts off sort of slow but overall I thought this was a fresh take on the Wolfman movies.

Practical Magic (1999) -- Is what you watch when you are hanging out with two females who decide they want to watch a scary movie. You have two future oscar winners (Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock) be witches with a curse on them.
Paranormal Activity 2 (2010) -- I figured I would watch this one since I watched the first one. Overall if you can get past the really slow pace and some bad acting (especially from the dad) then it is somewhat okay. I liked most of all how it tied into the first films and gives and ending to that movie.
Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995) -- When I first saw this as a 15 year old it was perfect for me. A movie that had some gore and action but mixed with that right amount of humor. Seeing it again as an older man I still found enjoyment but could also see how the 15 year old me would love it. Overall this is still a fun movie but maybe not as a good as I once thought.

Repulsion (1965) -- After Rosemary's Baby I wanted to see more of director Roman Polanksi . Repulsion is about a woman who is home alone and slowly starts seeing and hearing weird things, as she slips slowly into madness. It was very uncomfortable movie to watch (which it was going for), great directing here again.

Well that is it for this year. I wasn't trying to watch a certain amount of movie this time but overall they all added to the enjoyment of the season.
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