Thursday 15 March 2012


I recently saw the movie Deadfall. I saw it because I saw a few clips from legendary actor Nicolas Cage in the movie and it just looked amazing. Not amazingly good but as for entertainment purposes Cage looked like he lost his shit and went with it for the role.

In the movie Cage plays the #2 man to a mob boss who is played by James Coburn.In fact the movie does have some good talent to go along with Coburn, Michael Biehn, Peter Fonda, Charlie Sheen, and Talia Shire(of Rocky fame) have roles in the movie. Cage was being directed by his own brother who must have decided to let his bigger brother act however he wanted in the role. Cage decided to play the role bat shit crazy and I must say turns in what has to be the "cageist" performance of his career.

The following clips will help you better understand what I am trying to convey in this blog. This role has to be seen to be believed. The following clips show a range of emotion that Cage used in Deadfall.

Warning does contain major spoilers:

Of course these clips are out of context so please to do judge the movie on them alone. The rest of the movie, in fact, is much worse and not worth watching. By far my favorite scene take place 6:07 into the clip.

Keep in mind Cage won an Oscar for best Actor a mere two years after the release of Deadfall. If you have an interest in seeing the movie and getting the entire Cage experience I believe it is available on netflix instant watch.

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