Thursday 7 January 2010


#3 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Another movie that took a few viewing to grow on me. I will admit watching this movie after being dumped after a long term relationship really makes your eyes open to the real point and meaning of the movie, but the movie works no matter what. Michel Gondry directed and co-wrote the flick with Charlie Kaufman and you receive what I would call one of Jim Carrey's best dramatic performances (as well as Truman Show). He is Joel Barish a man who wants to remove all memories of his ex Clemetine (Kate Winslet). They both undergo procedures to remove the memories of their relationships and as his memories of their love fade away he starts to realize that he still loves her. The reason that I love this movie so much is that it paints a realistic question, even though you were in a relationship the ended would you do it all over again even if you knew it would end? I think this is just a visually stunning beautifully well done movie that will touch anyone who has thought they had found the "one" and would like to go back and try it again.

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